Weekend Recreation provides social and recreational experiences for children outside of their homes, often including community-based activities. It is the family’s responsibility to provide transportation to the location which serves as the base for the program.
Just Us Kids
Serving children from 5 to 15, this program takes place in Sparta three Saturdays per month from 10am to 3pm. Activities are designed to reflect the interest and age group of participants as well as supporting socialization and community inclusion. Activities are varied and include crafts, movies, museums, bowling, nature study, and holiday themed events.
Please click below for the current month calendar:
Just Us Kids A: JUK A March & April 2020
Just Us Kids B: JUK B March 2020
Teen Scene
Serving youth ages 15 to 21; this program takes place on three Saturdays per month from 5:30 to 9:30pm. Provided in two locations (Sparta and Hampton), Teen Scene offers teens and young adults the opportunity for age appropriate socialization and activities. Saturday evening may find participants out for dinner, at a sporting event, a play, or a dance. Movies, museums, and holiday celebrations are also planned.
Please click below for the current month calendar:
Teen Scene A: Teens A March & April 2020
Teen Scene B: Teens B March 2020
For more information about Agency Weekend Recreation:
PLEASE CALL 973-383-7442