July 2022

SCARC Special Olympics athletes attend WAWA store opening in Augusta.

  Several SCARC Special Olympians attended the grand opening for VIPs at the WAWA store in Augusta on July 13.  They were invited by Bill Ott, area manager of WAWA, to attend the event with other SCARC personnel.  WAWA is a generous
July 2022

Ideal Farms beautifies SCARC group homes

Every summer for the recent several years, Ideal Farms in Augusta has donated hanging baskets and garden flowers to SCARC group homes throughout  Sussex County.  The plants, flowers and hanging baskets are a beautiful addition to our home
July 2022

Ideal Farms beautifies SCARC group homes

Every summer for the recent several years, Ideal Farms in Augusta has donated hanging baskets and garden flowers to SCARC group homes throughout  Sussex County.  The plants, flowers and hanging baskets are a beautiful addition to our home
July 2022

Karen Newburgh receives the 2022 Professional of the Year award from the Arc of New Jersey

Karen Newburgh (center) receives the 2022 Professional of the Year award from the Arc of New Jersey, with presentation by Pam Corrigan (left, Arc NJ Treasurer) and Lauren Zalepka (right, Arc of NJ 2nd Vice